Crazy young mom of 3

I am 26 years old with 3 small children. My hubby has 2 kids of his own. I work, feel like I am going insane most days, but somehow I manage to make it thru. My life is crazy...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Hola peeps!!

So there hasn't been too much going on around here. Baby girl turned one last week so we had her party Saturday. She is blooming into a toddler now. She wants to walk..she trys really hard. Sunday was fathers day and the kids and I went with dad to do what he wanted to do. We went to a picnic in the park (in the valley) with other motorcycle members. It was fun but hot. Baby girl gagged herself with her finger on purpose and tossed her lunch all over so we had to stop and get her some new clothes, but still we were left with the smell **GROSS**

Last night when I got off work I fed the kids and bathed them, played and put them to bed. I did dishes and cleaned up and as soon as I was finished the hubs came home. He saw me lurking in the fridge and asked if I was looking for a snack. I said no and that I fed the kids but not myself, as spaghettios was not sounding very appetizing. He made me dinner and we played dominoes. I can't poor kids, if it weren't for dad they would eat cereal, sandwiches, spaghettios, and frozen entrees!

Anyways I am off to work, boss lady is staring at me


Monday, June 12, 2006


So I just thought I would check in after Friday night's ordeal. me and little mama are okay. She has a bruise on her foot. We decided we needed to calm down a bit the next day so we went to the riverbed with my parents in the camper. We didn't talk about the incident with anyone (a few other family members came and camped too) but me and the hubs just held eachother alot and looked to comfort from eachother. We hugged our kids alot. I asked Joe schmo if she had ever hurt him, or saw her hurt his siblings and he said no. I am sure he didn't see anything cause he is a taddle tale and tells mom everything.
I'm still upset. I was told we have to go to court. I honestly am scared of going for fear I may try to jump over the seat and beat the ever loving crap out of her. It is scary to think that in this world we do have people who are not afraid and think it is okay to lay hands on children. Kids do bad things because they are kids and thats what kids do. It is our job as parents to give them the training, support, love, and guidance they need and teach them right from wrong. It is not our job to hurt them or show them that it is OK to put your hands on someone else.

I decided we will try to not talk about this too much anymore..I can't change the past but I can change the future.

On another note.....we had a good time at the riverbed. Alot of relaxing and some sun burn. Good camping type foods and more importantly, great quality time with the family.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

My worst nightmare came true

I consider myself pretty dang calm. You can mess with me all you want, it takes alot to really tick me off. Two things I don't handle well is someone messing with my husband or kids. I would kill someone without even thinking twice if you hurt one of my kids. Well internet, someone has hurt my child and I almost went to jail last night over it. Me and the hubs went out and we left my 3 kids with a known babysitter. She is what I always thought to be a sweet innocent 18 year old girl who I have watched grow up, she lives down the street. It is not hard to watch my kids because by the time I leave they are already in bed and all you have to do is listen for them while you sit your ass on MY couch and eat MY food and talk on MY phone, plus get paid for it...seems like a good deal to me. When we got home it was nearing 2:30am. I had a few, okay alot of drinks in me, so the hubs was still in the car talking to a friend. I staggered into the yard before him only to find the babysitter changing my daughter. She pooped in the middle of the night apparently cause when I left she was out like a light and not stinking. I stood by my side door (a big glass sliding door in perfect view) and watched in horror. Little mama tryed moving while she was changing her so to keep her from rolling over or squirming around she sternly told her NO and took her damn foot and planted it firmed on my daughter's foot. While little mama was still trying to move she proceeded to grab her frickin face and yell..yes YELL at my daughter NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. She shouted at her and then gave her a yank of the arm with anger. Now I run in, she just sits there and looks at me and says "why do you look upset?"
I lost it. I yelled, I screamed, I pulled her arm, I punched her in the jaw, and hell if the hubs hand't wandered in I probably would have killed her. My whole body shook violently. I kept thinking this broad could have ripped her arm out of her socket..and what has she done when I wasn't watching. Did she hurt my other kids? Has she hurt other children?
I am not sure who called the cops, but they came between my husband (who had no clue what happened) screaming "honey calm down, whats going on" while trying to pull my body off of hers.
The cops came and cuffed me and her. I looked like the drunk aggressor I am sure. I was so mad that I couldn't even begin to tell them what happened. I finally muttered (okay I screamed) "THAT BIOTCH HURT MY DAUGHTER AND I AM GOING TO FUCKING KILL HER." The now upset hubs starts yelling that he ws going to kill her too, and he was cuffed as well.
Thankfully, yes thank GOD that she was honest and admitted that she did that stuff, in fact she said she did it often to "calm her down." She said kids sometimes "need a little scare."
When asked if she had ever spanked my kids she said "only little man once". What RIGHT does she have??? I am still mad...I still want to hurt her. The cops instantly took off my cuffs and let me and the hubs go. I am happy to say she was booked on child abuse and neglect. My daughter had a big bruise on her foot from her stomping her foot and she had a rash cause the poop on her caused a rash, she sat in it for a long time. She even had finger prints on her arms.
I will never trust anyone again with my kids. I am so scared. I am mad. I am angry. I feel like a bad mom for leaving my kids with someone else. I thought I knew her well but apparently I didn't.
I haven't slept all night. I just am still mad, still wanting to break every bone in her ever loving body.
Please PLEASE be careful who you leave your kids happens, and I can't believe it happened to MY kids.

Friday, June 09, 2006


Well I haven't been able to log on in god knows how long..damn computers.
Here is a few things going on
*The 14th my baby turns one, I am kinda sad about it...her party is the 17th
*The hubs has an interview today **Go baby, it's your burfday**
*yesterday was my brothers b-day...he is 35 now
*Little man is becoming way more interested in the potty
*Joe schmo isn't doing so great in Kindergarten
*Little mama is trying to talk..she repeats "ALL DONE"
*Work is kinda sucking lately, I am not challenged anymore
*Gas prices right now are $3.45 a gallon...woot woot 160 bucks a week for me!
*BSD (bastard sperm donor of Joe schmo) hasn't called in months
*I am very close to learning how to use my camera and uploading pictures
*I am addicted to and although I have never posted any comments I read often and think they are funny..and REAL parents..haha and even think I know dadgonemad possibly..I think our kids play for the same league..
*I am currently at work

Thats all folks...Take care..I will update later today or tomorrow :)