Crazy young mom of 3

I am 26 years old with 3 small children. My hubby has 2 kids of his own. I work, feel like I am going insane most days, but somehow I manage to make it thru. My life is crazy...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Bubble guts!

So my children have been sick. My oldest and me were sick first. Now a week later my little ones have been sick. They have the stomach flu. It's disgusting. My house smells of fresh puke. I have cleaned and cleaned it, but once the chemical smell of cleaning products wears off, the puke smell comes back. My 2 year old has been running fevers and has mustard poop! My 8 month old has been puking, running fevers, AND has a double ear infection. The dr. prescribed her antibiotics, but she can't start them until she stops puking so she can keep them down.
ME??? Oh I am stressed! Since having my 3rd child, I have yet to feel the need to go insanely crazy. Most women get all psycho after having kids claiming they are stressed and blah blah blah, but never me. I figured, this is my 3rd baby, so nothing surprises me nor bugs me. (Nothing a good stiff drink can't cure anyways)
But recently I have taken up the ways of a crazy woman. I am stressed. I yell at the hubs alot. I get off work and think do I really have to go home to those crazy kids??? I have been shaking alot. I just feel overwhelmed. I'm having a hard time coping. I know I need time away with just me and the hubs to relax. We were supposed to go away this weekend, but if the kids don't get better my babysitter (and good friend) will NOT watch them. This is the last weekend I will be available for a long time. The following weekend is opening season for pony and Shetland baseball. As anyone with kids in baseball knows, once baseball season starts you have NO LIFE! One child practices every Tuesday and Thursday, one practices Monday and Wednesday. Practices has already started so I basically get up, go to work, get off work, go to practice, go home, feed the kids, bath the kids, put kids in bed, then I shower and pass out! Once the season opens I will be busy as well with games and afterpartys on the weekends. So I am PRAYING please kids feel better, so my and daddy can go out for the weekend, party, and have alone time!

My Valentines day consisted of me working. I workd and took the kids to practice. Just to be able to give hubby his present we had to sneak to the car so we could be alone for 5 minutes. I got him a new vest (motorcycle one) that he wanted. Plus massage oils and flavored motion lotion..the banana one is the best but I got him assorted. (not that he cares the flavors anyways since I am usually the one tasting them LOL)
He got me flowers. I know I will sounds like an ungrateful B**CH by saying this, but he got me some ugly flowers. The kind from the grocery store that are wrapped up with whatever flowers they have plus ALOT of babys breath, and when he took them out and put them in a vase they looked really ugly. I didn't say much, but I thought he might do better than that. I should have known better because last year he got me nothing....honestly!
We cooked dinner, but everyone came over (just showed up) including my mom, dad, brother, cousin, and 2 friends, so when I sat down to eat the only thing left over was corn and a piece of sausage. I just said I wasn't hungry. The hubs apologized later and asked if I wanted him to go out and get me steak and Lobster from Red Lobster but I said no thanks. I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich instead. AT least he came to bed last night and watched some tube together. We couldn't talk loud or have any action cause my daughter was in the room and very very restless, so any movement and she was up screaming!
I did buy my mom and my very single friend some flowers.

Oh yeah I got a new car. Actually a mini van. It's cute. It' s bigger than an average van, but not a full complete size van. It seats 8. I'm happy about that. I got that on Thursday. it only costs me $54.00 to fill it up LOL.
Okay so I should do some work. I will write me later.

be good!!


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